Birdie Digital Marketing Agency Official Launch

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The South Florida Marketing Industry

… just got it’s newest kid on the block with the official launch of Palm Beach Counties Birdie Digital Marketing Agency.

Daniel Lezcano, founder of Web Designs Palm Beach, has been honing his craft for now 15 years. 60-80 hour weeks were not uncommon. Starting as a Graphic Designer, he mastered Photo Shop and Illustrator building magazine ads. It wasn’t long before the connection was made to Facebook as targeted digital marketing & paid advertising started evolving.

“It was a natural leap for me to begin learning how to market on social media for I knew I had the creativity and production know how.” Daniel Lezcano

Daniel Lezcano of Birdie Digital Marketing Agency
That marked the beginning of his marketing career as it took off like a rocket ship. He got his 1st client, Grill Tanks Plus. At that time the brand was a 2 man operation netting about $80,000 a year. As we began our journey results started very quickly rolling in and the company moved into a real marketing space on WordPress. Daniel built the newly branded/new site and the brand realized exponential growth adding up to a 3 location 8 digit enterprise consisting of over 30 employees today. Being the singular strategist and producer of it all was a full time job but still Daniel found ways to work with other clients and colleagues along the way. While Grill Tanks Plus was a complete marketing package brand, one-off jobs with industry pro’s, designing all types, and a lot of consulting business owners has been a regular part of Daniels business practices.

Fast forward to 2021, and after having formed his own brand, Daniel saw a great opportunity to couple with Delray Beach, FL, Entrepreneur Jeff Shapper forming a new entity called Birdie Digital Marketing Agency, otherwise known as BDMA. Jeff, already established in the marketing space saw a Swiss Army Knife of Marketing in Daniel and the two haven’t looked back since.

We’re just getting started. Building and adding new services while dialing in our business models. Everyday it seems we inch closer and closer to the massive success we’re both looking for.
Jeff Shapper, CEO

The next section will outline the different marketing disciplines Grill Tanks Plus adhered to resulting in a massive brand success story. Before we get to that, the most important thing Grill Tanks Plus did right was properly invest with a healthy marketing budget. The owner new it took money to make it and was great at following consultations. This is important to know because we cant help you if you will not follow our suggestions.

Types Of Marketing Agency Services

• Brand Creation & Strategy

Branding is About Theme, Color Pallet, and Style.

ready for a new experience with birdie digital marketing

• Responsive High Performance Web Design

Web Sites that Respond to Device Size, as well as, Adapt to Conditions.


• Search Engine Optimization

Both kinds of SEO are required, on-site and off-site SEO.


• Schema Markup

There are so many opportunities to generate traffic using schema markup. In fact, your looking at a schema result now.

Schema Markup Examples

• Pay Per Click Advertising

Use PPC Platforms like Google Ads & Facebook.


• Social Media Marketing

Take advantage of every possible Social Media Platform to increase web presence and social signals.

• Customer Relations Management

Managing client relations is tough, but there are many tools called CRM’s that make the process so easy.


• Public Relations Management

Public Relations is crucial to sustain and brands integrity, legitimacy, and reputation.



Marketing Agency

About Marketing Agency Services – In Depth

Brand Creation & Strategy

At Birdie Digital Marketing Agency of course this is 1st on the list because it is the spearhead of all marketing efforts. It is the way point by which we navigate the vast potential of marketing possibilities, and how they apply to any given brand. Including your competitors brand. Competitor analysis is a great way to over come your competitors web authority, which is the result of what you could call branding efforts, but are more commonly/modernly, called SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts. This is why we love to refer to “Marketing” as the world’s greatest chess game, there are many moving pieces always in play when done right.

Responsive High Performance Web Design

These days you need a web site that responds to the many different size view ports available for use in viewing web sites. While there is much talk about responsive web design which is a site that will respond to a view port and therefore lay itself out accordingly, Adaptive Web Design is not spoke on much by Marketing Agencies. Adaptive web design is when your sites server and or performance software can detect something like a “Low Band Width” and therefore deliver different content. Another aspect of site performance optimization is in the speed of the site. The faster the better. Google rewards high performance sites accordingly because such sites lead to a far better User Experience than sites that are not optimized correctly. We have mastered the art of Responsive High Performance Web Design.

Search Engine Optimization

Known as SEO, Search Engine Optimization gets a lot of attention these days. There is good reason for this. SEO is the vital life force of any brand that keeps it on front street for all on the net to see. Without both “On-Site SEO” and “Off-Site SEO,” a lot of money is being left on the table. It takes far more than just having a web site. Just having a site is like having a car, but with no real SEO efforts the car has ZERO gas to go anywhere. A good way to think about it also is your web presence (scan web presence here) itself should resemble a symphony with many live instruments being played all the time and new shows each week at least. We are master strategists when it comes to both Local and International SEO, which are 2 more segments of the vast universe that is SEO. Any real Marketing Agency will offer this; however, not all SEO is the same and this part of our industry is unfortunately filled with charlatans promising so much for very little. That is not SEO. SEO, is in fact a long term continual investment effort that realizes gains months down the road. This is the truth about any kind of SEO you would want. Are there faster ways to get SEO results? Sure, but you would be playing a dangerous game for Google likes things to be done a certain way and if you try to cheat them they are good at figuring it out. We do no such work known as “Black Hat SEO.”

Video Content Production

Complete Video Marketing Solutions

Schema Markup

Schema Markup is a special kind of formatted code that helps search engines better understand a page. But it’s far more than just that. This can be said to be part of SEO, but we give it it’s own spot because we feel like most SEO’s and Marketing Agencies are way behind on this relatively new technology. Or shall we say it’s relatively new level of evolution and the amount of power it has these days can double your sites exposure with one single blog post when done right. There are many extra features that come from this as well, such as showing your Google review count right in the SERP “Search Engine Result Page.” Position ZERO is another and most powerful result Schema can get you. This is the very 1st thing you see on a lot of your search queries either in a list format, How-To, paragraph and more. You also get into the PPA “People Also Ask” section as well as the FAQ sections of the SERP with this special code. We’re not complaining that most of our industry is behind on this for it simply gives us that much more to shine with!

Digital Advertising known as PPC

This one is easy for anyone to understand for it is the marketing everyone is familiar with; you pay for Digital Advertising. The only difference is that when it comes to digital advertising it’s usually a Pay Per Click model where each click on your ad cost you money. This of course is an unavoidable marketing expense. It’s the surest fire way to get your brand in the faces of the right target audience which is the other thing that’s great about PPC, it always lets you drill down on your targets using many factors as that which finds the right person to show your ad to. Everything from specific region to buying behaviors, net worth to kind of home can be used in your advanced targeting. We specialize in many Digital Advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook and many more.

Social Media Marketing

Here’s one everyone is familiar with these days as well. What you might not know is that SEO and Social Media marketing go hand and hand. As we have said in our own marketing we like to maximize value by connecting as many pieces of the puzzle together as possible and executing them simultaneously. Well, this is our favorite use of Social Media. Think of your Social Media platforms as a place to show off your brand and in the your followers interactions signals are sent to Google meaning they see your brand as healthy, active, and evolving. This is what Google would expect to see from any thriving business and that’s what we do; make you thrive! As we said about PPC as well, most any of the social platforms have PPC marketing available which is yet another piece of the puzzle we tie together when thinking of maximizing your marketing budget.

Customer Relations Management

Often over looked but crucial for administrative efficiency is Customer Relations Management. Business owners have to juggle enough with everyday business life. On-boarding, scheduling, invoicing, keeping track of jobs, keeping track of clients, meeting deadlines, and being able to communicate with clients effectively and conveniently can decrease administrative work flows greatly and in this free you up to do what is important. As they say time is money and by getting a good CRM “Customer Relations Management System” you will have taken a great step forward towards increasing over all net margins. That’s not all that’s involved here though. Customer Service fits in here as well. If you do wrong by a client make it right, if you get a bad review reply accordingly offering a solution; this is the big picture of client management. It’s about bettering your service.

Public Relations Management

Otherwise known as “PR” Public Relations Management, is a major brand building factor and couples well with Search Engine Optimization. A brand that is busy helping the community in some way is a trust worthy brand. Making your PR efforts very visible is a great way to gain legitimacy and furthermore increases your web presence in the best way. The reason why is any given PR campaign is bound to have your brands name and a link pointing at your site. This means you will have reputable entities pointing at your site which greatly increases the authority of your own site. Some great ways to get involved include scholarships, involvement or sponsorship of local events, and charities. PR is a great way to grow your brand fast!

In Conclusion

The Final Word

Quite honestly you are looking at a some of the things we do by reviewing this post. We did write it for users and others in the industry that might learn something but the primary reason is this is one of the ways to get your brand to rank: Content Writing or Blogging is one of the most powerful regimented marketing disciplines you can practice. People are after all “Consumers” so you want to be sure to be creating more and more consumables so that your audience never goes hungry!

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